As you all know, manure has many benefits that help improve soil fertility. Aside from the ever-popular discussions about Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium (NPK), manure provides many other micronutrients such as Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc. Manure from a farrow to wean operation could generally have $10-20/acre in value from these micronutrients.
NPK are the most commonly talked about nutrients that are needed by the crops we grow. It is important to remember that the amounts of these nutrients varies from barn to barn and region to region. Reasons, they vary include herd diets, water quality, manure storage facilities and many other factors. For instance, manure coming from an uncovered manure storage structure will have less Nitrogen than if it’s coming from a covered manure storage structure due to volatilization of the Nitrogen. That’s why it is critical that you test the manure and use a good sample history to determine the application rate. Not doing this could result in wasting nutrients or depriving your crop of needed nutrients. Once application is complete, make sure to submit manure samples from the manure that is applied. Calculate from those results, what nutrients your fields received and if supplemental nutrients are needed.
The value of NPK from a farrow to wean operations will generally be in the $10-$25/1,000 gallon range. Depending on soil and crop needs, the value per acre will hit anywhere from $100 to $225 per acre. Likewise, manure from finishing facilities could range from $30-$60/1,000 gallons.
It is important to remember that there are a few cons that come with using manure. Some include soil compaction, wet application conditions, early application leading to N loss, inconsistent nutrient distribution, tracks and ruts just to name a few. However, many of the cons can be mitigated by proper planning, communication, patience and working with the applicator. If I’ve learned something over the years, it’s not to pass up a pumping opportunity when it’s there. If the ground is fit and you have access to an applicator, apply some manure. You never know what the next weather pattern or challenge may bring. Be patient when working with custom applicators and the owners of the manure. Applicators get held up by weather just as much as crop producers. The swine producer is also pressured by storage limitations at times. If you are fortunate enough to have your own manure application equipment, make sure to set time aside to apply manure or be prepared to hire extra help when the ground is fit to apply manure.
Keep in mind that the benefits of utilizing manure far outweigh the cons associated with using it. Benefits like lowered fertilizer costs, increased yields, building soil fertility and value as well as being part of a sustainable recycling chain, makes for a successful farmer!
In closing, remember to always keep good records. Learn from what works and what does not. Make adjustments if necessary and be open to applying supplemental nutrients if needed. I’ve found that if one has patience, works with his crop consultant and custom applicators, manure will be a huge asset to help gain a competitive advantage over the crop farmers that don’t have access to manure.
Article by Marty Rost
Marty Rost was raised on a grain, cattle, and hog operation in southwest Minnesota. He earned his degree from South Dakota State University and has been helping farmers at PIPESTONE since 1995. Now serving as Environmental Director, Marty is dedicated to supporting farmers while promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship.