Employee Stories

Internship Highlights

Each summer, PIPESTONE provides the opportunity for college students from all over the nation to gain real-world experience within the swine industry. This year, PIPESTONE welcomed 14 interns from 12 different colleges to work within 7 departments. These departments included production, information technology, nutrition, research, public relations, marketing and veterinary services.

Throughout the summer, interns were able to learn more about PIPESTONE and the swine industry. They attended weekly round tables with industry professionals, attended the Young Leaders in Agriculture Conference, toured various PIPESTONE facilities, volunteered at local fairs through PIPESTONE’s Discovery Barns and gained real-world experience throughout the different phases of swine production.

Our 2022 research intern, Hadley Steifvater, had the opportunity to work with Pipestone Research and furthered her experience in swine research. She was able to gain hands-on experience and in-depth teachings from industry professionals, like Dr. Scott Dee and Dr. Todd Williams, inside and outside the barns.

“This internship has opened many new doors of opportunity for me to continue growing and developing my skills to find new ways of improving today’s livestock,” Hadley said. She continued to express how amazing her experience and mentors were during her summer with PIPESTONE and shares that she would highly recommend this internship to anyone, especially an individual who has a passion for science and the swine industry.

2022 Vet Intern, Hunter Everett, echoed Hadley’s answers. “I had a blast getting to know PIPESTONE Veterinarians and staff, as well as interacting with individual farmers,” Hunter said. “One project I had the opportunity to help with is a wean-to-market biosecurity survey. During the project, I talked with farmers and learned more about their perception of grow-finish biosecurity.” Hunter spent his summer shadowing PIPESTONE Veterinarians, participating in research projects, and interacting with many pig farmers in the area. “I would encourage anyone to apply for an internship at PIPESTONE because of the emphasis the PIPESTONE team had on teaching and encouraging learning,” Hunter said. “I was able to develop new skills and participate in a diverse amount of opportunities throughout my experience.”

Samantha Olson, a 2022 Public Relations Intern, also comments on her experiences. “I enjoyed getting to know each opportunity PIPESTONE has to offer,” Samantha said. “Everyone in the company wants to see you succeed.” Over the course of the summer, Samantha had the opportunity to participate in a variety of events, including the Sioux Empire Fair PIPESTONE Discovery Barn. “I loved spending time with people and getting to share my love for agriculture.”

“I would encourage others to apply because of the welcoming atmosphere of PIPESTONE,” Samantha said. “When you go to work everyday, you get to learn more about the company, the values, and about yourself.”

Interested in spending your summer learning more about pigs, gaining hands-on experience and learning more about the business units of PIPESTONE?
Visit www.pipestone.com/internships to learn more about the opportunities offered!

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