One of the core values we live by at Pipestone is Caring. Caring means caring for our team members, animals and communities. Our charitable efforts aim to make a difference in the lives of our local and global community members.
Domestically, we donate to:
Children’s Home Society
The Banquet in Sioux Falls
Local animal shelters
Local backpack programs
Donating pork to food shelters through Meat the Need
Pipestone Cares donations to local emergency services, children organizations/clubs and 4-H or FFA programs
Similar to our local programs, our international efforts focus on helping children and hunger. This year, we launched our Team Donation Program, that allows team members to have a certain dollar amount deducted from each of their paychecks that will be used toward projects such as Gifts for Good. This year, with the help from PIPESTONE and the Team Donation Program, we were able to support 6 different projects in 4 countries with the ~$154.5K that was raised. Below is the list of projects and organizations that we helped support.
Student Nutrition Program- Adams Thermal Foundation
Location: Ethiopia, Africa
Project Overview: Through Gifts for Good, we contributed to a feeding program for students that keeps them in school long-term and ensures their on-going physical development. Without a feeding program, their drop-out rate would be much higher and students would tend to withdraw from school as they become older and better able to contribute to the livelihood of the family. Adams Thermal Academies feed 1,280 at-risk students from K-12th grade.
Charity Overview: Adams Thermal Foundation operates two schools, grades K-12, for at-risk children. These schools also administer “self-help” programs so that women and mothers of students can learn business and job skills. Learn more at:
Hunger Relief- Tapestries of Life
Location: Guadalupe, Mexico
Project Overview: We provided nutrient filled food to over 300 local families in the local Guadalupe area.
Charity Overview: Once completed, Tapestries of Life will house over 200 children, making it the largest orphanage in Latin America. Tapestries of Life has been a constant presence in the many border communities- feeding, educating and rescuing children to the glory of God. Today, they are close to finishing what will be the most effective tool in setting a child’s future on a new course. Learn more at:
Widow Care and Online Education Devices- India Evangelical Team
Location: New Delhi, India
Widow Care Project Overview: The widows at the India Evangelical Team (IET) sometimes need extra care. Our support will help widows with seed money to enable them to set up a business, build a small home, and provide resources to assist them in taking care of themselves in the long run.
Online Education Devices Charity Overview: As the pandemic continues, our support equipped them with devices to be able to do online education during the day.
Widow Care Charity Overview: IET focuses on rescuing children at risk, taking care of orphans, eradicating illiteracy in villages, physical healing through medical cares, disaster relief work, educating the poor and much more.
Online Educational Devices Charity Overview: The children in our orphanage need cell phones to be able to do their online education, as all classes are now virtual. Most of the children in our orphanage lost much of their studies last year because of the pandemic and unavailability of this device to participate in online education. Learn more at:
Nutrition Support- Children of the Promise
Location: Haiti
Project Overview: Children of the Promise offers nutritional support with baby formula or Medika Mamba to families of a malnourished child or infant. Our contribution supports the initiative, including providing families an opportunity to attend a session every other week while they journey toward wellness. Each session includes education, a medical consultation, community interaction and spiritual encouragement.
Charity Overview: Children of the Promise’s mission is to help have a healthy Christian home and family for every Haitian child. Their family strengthening programs work towards keeping Haitian families together and to build strong future families through the investment in Haiti’s youth. Learn more at:
Brooder House Upgrade- New Roots Haiti
Location: Haiti
Project Overview: Last year, our efforts supported the build of the new brooder house. This year our funds will help upgrade the old brooder house, including upgrading the office, upgrading our space for corn and Piyoup with the maintenance area.
Charity Overview: New Roots Haiti is dedicated to empowering parents to care for the needs of their families through education, employment and nutrition assistance. Its mission is to use agriculture as a tool to invest in people’s lives. They have a feed mill (supplied by PIPESTONE in 2019) that is used to feed the chickens and pigs along with a butcher shop where they distribute their product. Learn more at: