
2018 David Neuberger Award: Dan Hanson

Dan Hanson, research manager for Pipestone Applied Research, was recently recognized for his work ethic, leadership and commitment to animal care in his more than 11 years at Pipestone with the David Neuberger II Core Values Award.  The award was presented to Hanson at an employee meeting in May.

The Pipestone Management David Neuberger II Core Values Award is awarded each year to an individual who best exhibits the core values of the Pipestone Management (Integrity, Caring, Commitment, Growth and Teamwork) in all aspects of work, family and community. Nominations can be made by any Pipestone employee or the general public and are reviewed by a selection committee.  Dan was nominated by Dr. Scott Dee, Director of Pipestone Applied Research (PAR).

As research manager, Dan is responsible for day-to-day operations for five PAR research facilities, with another research barn under construction.  He oversees research trials, monitors animal care and welfare, manages employees at the location and is responsible for communications with research sponsors, PAR clients and internal team members.

“In the 6 years he has been in the research manager position, his workload and responsibilities have increased significantly. We’ve grown from one research barn to the sixth barn opening soon, and with that growth comes management of more people, animals and data,” said Dr. Dee.  “The pressure that he is under every day is intense, but he handles it with professionalism and is always cool and collected.”

Dan joined Pipestone is 2006 as a swine technician after graduating from Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, with degrees in animal science and plant science.  He participated in the Manager in Training program and served in several roles barns including White Tail, Hiawatha, and Twin Rock.  He served as manager of the Legend sow farm before taking the research manager position in 2009.

Pipestone Applied Research conducts an average of 12 to 15 research trials each year, and Dan is responsible for coordinating results of those trials and communicating results not only to research sponsors and clients, but also regularly educating the Pipestone veterinary team to continuously improve management and production practices.

“His background in managing sow barns and working in several barns has been very valuable.  He knows about all aspects of pig production and manages people well., said Dr. Dee. “I knew the late Dave Neuberger very well and hold him in very high regard, and I feel the same way about Dan.  He is a total team player, always putting the good of the company before his own personal gain.”

Dan grew up in Papillion, Nebraska, a suburb of Omaha, but caught the livestock production “bug” from his uncles who farm.

“I realized at an early age that I enjoyed working with animals and saw joining Pipestone to utilize my animal science degree at a growing organization,” he said.  “I enjoyed the hands-on animal care in the swine technician role and appreciate the opportunities for more responsibilities as the company has grown.”

Dan and his wife, Amy, live outside of Edgerton with their two three-year-old sons, Joel and Jeremiah. They enjoy being outdoors, riding four-wheelers and taking care of cows on their small farm.

“I have grown to understand how deep the Core Values run within the Pipestone leadership and organization,” said Dan. “The importance of caring for individuals and employees’ families comes from the top and has meant a lot throughout my career with Pipestone.”

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