The Iowa pork producer maintains group production records for all the sites, which allows him to compare performance information on each group marketed and on compliance with packer production standards.
In addition to the pork production, Craig produces and delivers all of the feed for the local nursery and finishers from grain he raises on more than 750 acres.
Craig is certified in the pork industry’s Pork Quality Assurance® Plus program and all of the hog sites have completed a PQA Plus site assessment.
Craig and Karen have four teenage and younger children. One daughter was Delaware County Pork Princess and another served as Little Miss Pigtails. Craig and Karen are active in church and school activities serving on multiple governing and foundation boards. They serve as Dyersville Beckman High School softball volunteers and are active in a range of other school activities. Craig sits on the township assessor board of trustees and is active with the Delaware County Pork Producers.
Story courtesy of the Iowa Pork Producers Association.