
As a core value of our company, CARING in the communities we touch is a focus. PIPESTONE CARES is an initiative launched in 2015. Shareholder groups contribute farm funds to charitable projects in communities the sow farms are located. Pipestone Management company matches up to $500 for each farm. Pipestone Cares funds are distributed under the direction of farm owners (shareholders), farm manager/supervisor and Sylvia Wolters.

Over $165,110 donated


First Responders

Youth/School Activities

Hunger Relief Programs

Blue Stem and Jackrabbit supported a belt buckle and gift certificate for Women in Blue Jeans. This conference is dedicated to provide education, inspiration, and networking opportunities to women of rural America.

Fox Run was the meal sponsor the Turner County Fair.

In honor of FFA Week, Chariton gave a monetary donation to the Salisbury FFA Chapter in Salisbury, MO.

Mustang Pass supported the SDSU Jackrabbits Wrestlers at the JWC Wrestling Fundraiser.